
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The People You Meet on an App Development Team

When you start working with app developers for hire, you don’t just team up with one or two programmers and their liaison. You form a relationship with an entire group of people whose technical skills and artistic creativity will transform your ideas into something the world can love.

Here’s a look at the typical members and roles on an app development team.

Product Manager

The product manager is half project manager, half chief client liaison. He or she understands the client’s needs and requirements, communicates these with the team, and ensures the team meets them.

Software Developer

Developers write the code that will make an app run on specific platforms. Typically, teams have one developer versed in iOS and another in Android. Developers also specialize in either an app’s frontend or backend. The frontend is the interface that users can see, while the backend is the content management system app owners use.

UI Designer

This designer conceptualizes and creates the interface that the users see. The UI designer’s job is to ensure that the app is visually striking and appealing.

UX Designer

If “UI” stands for user interface, “UX” stands for user experience. The UX designer sees to it that end-users will have an easy time navigating the app. With a good UX design, they will be able to manipulate the app instinctively without getting confused.

Quality Assurance Tester

This person evaluates the app at every stage of development all the way to completion. He or she ensures that the app performs the client’s requirements, as well as meets standards for functionality and usability. 

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